5 Free Self-Care Tips For Busy Moms

The key to feeling our best and filling our cups so we are able to give to those who matter most to us may be more simple that we think.

It seems like everywhere we turn, someone has an idea of what we should be doing to take care of ourselves. Often it involves an expensive solution like massages, facials, yoga retreats, etc. While these experiences may be nice, they really only offer a temporary escape from the stressors we busy moms face daily.

Yet, on the flip side, society also has us conditioned to think practicing self-care or talking about it is self-indulgent, self-centered, and excessive… which can lead to feeling guilty simply for trying to take care of ourselves. But what if I told you that it is time to reframe and reclaim that narrative? That participating in self-care is an exercise in nurturing self-compassion, empathy, and love.


Becoming a mother is a transformational experience... and in the beginning, we have to put our wants and needs aside to sustain our new babies. But as we move through the many phases of newfound motherhood, it isn’t necessary anymore to put our needs last… yet this is a transition that so many women often miss.

Eventually, if we continually forget or actively choose not to address our wants and needs, we end up feeling exhausted, depleted, and burned out.

Going back to reframing and reclaiming the narrative around self-care.. it becomes necessary to take a new approach. To shift our mindset and realize that we won’t be able to give abundantly to the ones who matter most to us, if we aren’t able to give to ourselves first. When we are able to reframe the narrative, it is much easier to let go of that nagging voice in the back of your head or the guilt you feel when you decide to address what your mind, body, and soul need first.

Here are 5 free self-care tips that contribute meaningfully to my ability to show up fully for the people who matter most in my life and enjoy this stage of motherhood with confidence, balance, and ease.


#1: Establish Your Support System

As moms who feel like we should be able to do it all, asking for help can be really hard. Yet, establishing and communicating with your support system is vital to taking some of the burden off of daily tasks that weigh us down (physically and mentally). While it does feel like a heavy lift in the beginning and even like one more thing that we have to add to our to-do list; when we are able to communicate to our partner, family, friends, and outside help (for those who can afford it) that we need support and get specific about a few items that would really lighten the load for us we are able to use that newfound space to contribute to our own well-being. This is something that is HARD for me and for many women. Oftentimes, this is because we feel like we might be failing if we admit we need help, or it feels like more work just to have to explain it to or ask someone else. But it is this support system that, over the long term, is crucial to helping us find balance with the many demands of motherhood.

#2: Schedule Time For Yourself

You might be thinking - “my schedule is already jam-packed!” “How on earth am I supposed to squeeze in one more thing?” Well, I am here to tell you that for many of us, if it isn’t in the schedule, it isn’t happening. I want to challenge you to take a few minutes and really think about your week and the items that are non-negotiables… and then think about the negotiable things. Look at your existing system and see where the holes are. (And if you don’t have one, that is something I can help you with!) It is here where we can carve out small pockets of time, even just 15 minutes here and there, to dedicate to something specific that serves our well-being, reduces our stress levels, or impacts our health positively. Then begin to schedule in these activities and CHOOSE to make them as non-negotiable for yourself as pick-up time.

#3: Nourish Your Mind & Body

Nourishing ourselves properly is the ultimate form of self-care. Food is fuel, and nutrition lays the foundation for how we are able to show up for the people who matter most to us. When we ensure we are eating enough… and enough of the foods that make us feel vibrant and alive, we begin to fill our cup at the most basic level. I know we have all had those days where we’ve made multiple breakfasts and multiple lunches, all before 9 am, and then after drop-off, we have a ton of errands to run. On these days, it can feel especially difficult to slow down and make nourishment a priority. The adrenaline (and probably caffeine) that we are running on masks our hunger, and all of a sudden, the clock strikes noon, and we become absolutely ravenous for anything in sight. Even when we have the best of intentions, when our bodies are in this state of stress, it becomes impossible to overcome that momentary craving. It is this cycle that makes it so hard for many busy moms to stay on top of their nutrition and wellness goals. While the idea of nourishing ourselves is simple, in practice, when we’ve already got a million other things on our to-do list, it doesn’t feel easy. We must evaluate our current state and be honest with ourselves about our goals and what exactly is getting in the way of being able to reach our desired outcome. As a holistic health coach I am here to walk you through step-by-step how to do that.

#4: Plan Playtime

When you plan out playtime with your kids, it not only becomes much easier to be fully engaged in the moment but also easier to let go of guilt when you’re not. If you’re like most busy moms, when taking a break from your endless to-do list, it can be hard to revert course, knowing you’ll spend the whole time thinking about all the things you should or could be doing. Yet, even just 15 minutes of completely uninterrupted time together has been shown to increase parent-child connection and offer a range of emotional and behavioral benefits. Plus, as parents, 15 minutes feels manageable, even when we have a lot on our plate.

#5: Learn To Say No

Saying no is often easier said than done. Especially as women and mothers who are conditioned to put everyone else’s needs ahead of their own. We want to say yes to make others happy, yet doing so neglects our need to feel the same way. When reflecting on our priorities and what we truly value as a person and a parent, it becomes much easier to say no to things that overwhelm us or leave us feeling depleted. When the inevitable request comes in for an activity or outing that just doesn’t align with where we are currently at, saying no can be done gracefully and without guilt, knowing that by prioritizing our own well-being, we are prioritizing the well-being of everyone most important to us.

Kristen Linder

On a mission to reframe the narrative around self-care for busy moms.


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