My Wellness Routine
My wellness routine as a busy mom with two young boys involves mostly quick, easy health habits that I incorporate throughout my day. Over time, I have shifted my focus away from achieving a specific weight or sculpted look and towards feeling good, physically and mentally. This is how I am able to consistently show up as my best self for my family. This post is about how relying on tried-and-true health habits helps to get you through even your most busy and chaotic days.
Before kids, it felt like there was endless time to devote to my wellness routine. Which revolved around workout classes whenever I felt like it, stops for juice or smoothies, leisurely friend catch-ups, etc. Nothing was ever rushed, and stress levels were considerably low… now that I look back on that period.
Now, my day is ever-evolving with the constant schedule shifts and chaos that parenting small children involves. This is where finding and utilizing small pockets of time becomes crucial. I’ll be totally honest with you: I don’t always feel 100%, but I know that on any given day, these habits are what keep me moving in the best direction.
These are the habits that help me feel confident, stay balanced, and nourish my body - both inside and out - through the ups and downs that are a natural part of motherhood and work.
My Current Wellness Routine
Here is my daily health regimen:
Wake Up Early
During the week I wake up at 5:30am and on weekends around 6:00am. Now, I’m not here to convince you that you need to wake up this early (or maybe I am) but this has been the single biggest shift I’ve made towards starting my day with a lot less stress. Instead of being dragged out of bed by my kids, feeling rushed, and everyone else’s needs and demands falling into my lap the second I open my eyes, I get to start the day on my terms - with intention, purpose, and strategy to set myself and everyone else up for success.
What this looks like:
5:30am alarm goes off
tongue scrape, brush teeth, use restroom
30-40oz of water, then coffee with collagen
read or write during remaining time
start breakfast, pack snacks and lunches
2. Skincare & Supplements
After the kids are ready for school, I spend about 20 minutes on my skincare and supplement routine. Both of these routines have been put together by a professional (highly recommended), and they have been extremely helpful in targeting problem areas.
I am a big fan of using high-quality, targeted supplements to support my overall health. While I do think it is important to eat a nutrient-dense diet and not fully rely on supplements, it is hard to get perfect nutrition every day with a full, busy schedule—not to mention all the viruses and bugs the kids bring home.
My supplement routine:
NuEthix Gut Barrier Support (I find this superior to ARMRA)
Quicksilver Scientific Vitamin D (only in winter)
3. Daily Movement
I aim to get some type of movement in each day. This usually happens in the morning, right after drop-off. It could simply be going for a walk around the neighborhood. I also like to mix in tennis, Lia Bartha weighted Pilates, and Tracy Anderson throughout the week, depending on how my body is feeling.
I have had back problems ever since having kids, so Pilates and Tracy Anderson have been an integral part of rebuilding my pelvic floor and core and working on spinal mobility.
Side note: I also did pelvic floor PT for about six months a few years ago, which helped a ton, but this current routine is how I keep up with my ongoing physical needs.
Shop my favorite at home gym essentials HERE.
4. Easy & Healthy Breakfast
Every morning, either before or after I workout, depending on how I feel, I make myself a healthy breakfast.
My go-to’s are scrambled eggs and root vegetable hash with a side of fruit or a protein-forward smoothie. This one is a favorite.
I typically eat later in the morning because I don’t like to rush during the morning chaos, and it’s much more peaceful once the kids are at school. I also use this time to review my schedule and to-do list.
5. Prioritize Sleep
The end of the day sets you up for the next. I look forward to winding down after all of the sports, dinner, clean-up, and bedtime madness that requires full-on mom mode. I aim to be in bed no later than 8:30pm. This is achievable because I have younger kids whose sports practices don’t go very late… yet.
During this time, I put my phone away, do my nighttime skincare and supplement routine, and get cozy in bed to watch a show with my husband. I am typically asleep no later than 9:30pm. Going to bed early is what enables me to wake up early the next morning.
Home Gym Essentials
Health Supplements
Disclaimer: This post is not medical advice; before making any changes to your supplement routine, please consult your primary care physician.