To Reflect
Looking back at 2021 and what we can do
to get the most out of 2022.
“What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.”
First, I want to thank all of you for the support and feedback you've given me over the last few months. When I look for the throughline of where the seed for this newsletter was planted, it starts several years back. Wanting a creative outlet and to use the health & wellness knowledge I've been accumulating. Being able to put out even something small and having you all take the time to read and respond is something I'm truly grateful for.
In every end, there is a new beginning. As 2021 has come to a close, and somehow still with so much uncertainty around us I thought we should just dive in. To sit and think about how we are feeling. Where we have been, where we'd like to go, and how we can use the tools at our disposal to get there.
On a personal note, looking back, I find that so many dueling emotions come up during the holidays. The excitement and anticipation building up between Thanksgiving and Christmas (for those who celebrate) and all the energy spent preparing. Then in a blink... it's over. The lagging days leading up until New Year's allowed for some time to recharge, to reflect, and to think about what really is important moving forward. To think about how the previous year started and where I'm standing now. To think about the habits and practices that worked and propelled me forward and the ones that are keeping me where I am. Thinking about where I would like to be and how I would like to feel on this day next year and what, realistically, it will take to make that happen.
To Commit
When we decide to commit to our goals/intentions/practices, whatever you want to call it, we are sending out a signal that we are ready to invite change into our lives.
Below are 3 systems to help you achieve the outcomes you aspire towards.
With Intent
You will often hear people talk about setting intentions for the new year, using the word/phrase in place of setting a new year's resolution. Words aside, I often find that the why, your intent, around a new practice or goal you've set for yourself, can be a way of setting you up for success. What is the driving motivation behind why you'd like to make a shift in your life? Focusing on this answer will keep you moving forward when the motivation begins to wane.
When I think about the why behind the biggest schedule shift I made this year (waking up an hour before my kids), I did it because I needed more time for myself, to focus on peace of mind so I could show up better throughout the day. I began noticing that every morning when I was startled awake, always at different times, I was waking up frazzled (and quite grumpy). I started to realize that this feeling was completely in my control and started setting my alarm to wake up earlier. It was a chore at first, and on the mornings when it is still hard to get up, I remind myself of how I'm going to feel in a few hours and really the rest of the day. Prioritizing my peace and mental clarity has been a game-changer in my mood throughout the day... and dare I say, I've actually become a "morning person".
When we focus on why the excuses start to fall by the wayside. Your intent doesn't have to be some universe-ceiling-shattering reason to make a shift in your life or achieve a goal. It just needs to be real, honest, and in service of growth.
What is your why?
Click the image above to listen to Mallika Chopra speak about living with intention.
With Consistency
If you've been reading my newsletter, then you know I'm a big believer in small changes that, when done consistently over time, add up to major change. Working towards your goal, working to change a habit, or making a shift in your life for a few weeks is nice, but it rarely gets you the results you're looking for. Consistency is key for long-term change, and the more you do something, the easier it becomes to do it again.
If you're having trouble being consistent with a new practice or habit you've invited into your life, here are a few tips to help you keep going.
1. Focus on how it makes you feel.
2. Build it around an existing habit.
3. Make time by adding it to your calendar or setting a reminder.
4. Reward yourself for the milestones.
Click the image above to dive deeper into the power of consistency with Arianna Huffington.
With Resolve
Setting and maintaining new goals is exciting and novel in the beginning. It's when the initial motivation wears off that the real work starts. This is where resolve comes into play. Remembering the long-term plan, the outcome you want, and the commitment you made to yourself. The one day you want to skip your practice is the moment it's time to lean in. This is where the magic lies and where real change is made. Change doesn't happen on easy days when everything is moving in our favor, it happens when we have the resolve to feel uncomfortable and then keep moving forward in spite of it.
Click the image above to listen to Elizabeth Gilbert speak about resolve, self-determination, and the importance of returning to what ignites us regardless of the outcome.