How Working With A Health Coach Can Be Your Secret Weapon

We are awash in nutrition, lifestyle, and health information. When we finally realize we are ready to make the commitment to “get healthy” or optimize the current state of our health, more information isn’t always helpful - it can often lead to more confusion. While one compelling article says eggs are one of the healthiest foods you can eat, another might say the yolks are too high in fat. The result? You’re often left wondering, “What the heck should I be eating?"

The truth is, you probably don’t need more information… what you need is a personalized action plan. Created specifically for you and your health goals and needs. Plus, someone who can offer you guidance and accountability throughout your journey.

Enter your secret weapon - a health coach.

What Is A Health Coach?

A health coach is a partner. The person who supports, empowers, and actively engages with you during your journey. Developing a relationship around trust and accountability allows you to explore your values, reasons for change, and what’s truly possible when you put your health first. I support clients through The Framework by creating specific action steps and goals in three main areas: Mind-Body Nutrition, Mind-Body Routines, & Mind-Body Awareness.

These three areas will guide you in prioritizing the diet and lifestyle changes that will have the biggest impact on your health and well-being.

Does It Really Work?

Research shows that having a coach by your side can radically improve outcomes for those looking to make lasting changes to their health. The reality is that more than half of Americans have at least one chronic health condition, the majority of which are lifestyle-driven, preventable, AND reversible. Even those without any sort of health condition can benefit from health coaching. So often, we know what we should be doing but not how to turn what we do know into an actionable plan with long-term solutions. Therefore, it is no surprise that having a dedicated partner to help you make necessary changes to your lifestyle can often be the key to the success you’ve been looking for.

Aside from improvements with nutrition, health coaching has been proven to support significant changes in physical activity and lifestyle factors. When people decide to work with a coach, they are more likely to engage in regular physical activity and make lifestyle choices that benefit their overall mental and physical well-being, which also has the added benefit of improving mobility, mood, and stress levels.

What Can A Health Coach Do For You?

As a certified health coach, I can help you with everything from navigating restaurant menus to creating a self-care routine that fits into your busy schedule or providing you with specific recipes/grocery lists/shopping lists to make nourishing yourself easier, as well as recommending workouts and/or meditation programs. Now, all of these different factors in a vacuum might feel overwhelming, but it is the job of a health coach to figure out what works for you and then create a personalized plan that makes these recommendations easily actionable.

Beyond the arsenal of resources and tailored recommendations, when you work with me, you will have access to me at all times during your coaching period, where you can reach out anytime with questions, concerns, or updates that may periodically come up. This ensures that you will receive the highest level of support and accountability needed to maintain the lifestyle changes you have committed to making.

Ultimately, the goal is to empower YOU with the knowledge, resources, and ability you need for long-term, sustainable well-being - something I know can look different for each individual.

Ready To Start Your Journey?

Book your free consultation below and let’s work together to create the personalized plan you need to feel your absolute best.

Kristen Linder

On a mission to reframe the narrative around self-care for busy moms.

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