Make Your Coffee Work For You

Each morning, most of us wake up with our first thought being….”WHERE IS MY COFFEE???” We can all relate to this feeling, but the habit of coffee first upon waking doesn’t set us up properly for the day and doesn’t actually move us closer toward our health and well-being goals.

The main reason that our morning coffee could be working against us is that caffeine increases cortisol levels, which then produces a blood-sugar spike. This chain reaction is one of the things that makes us feel awake, and it releases dopamine, which conditions us to come back to this feeling.

Under no circumstances am I recommending you give up your morning cup… or cups. The point here is to help make your coffee work for you, not against you. To avoid some of the more negative side effects of caffeine there are a few things we should keep in mind.

The Framework’s Coffee Tips:

  • Include fat and protein with your cup. I use collagen powder and MCT oil. These additives help your body digest the coffee a little bit slower and blunts the cortisol and blood sugar spike.

  • Enjoy your coffee with or after a meal. This is for the same reason listed above and works even better to blunt the spike effect.

  • Don’t consume caffeine after 1 pm. If you have trouble sleeping on days you have coffee, timing might be the culprit.

  • Avoid coffee if you wake up already feeling frazzled or stressed.

If you’re like me, your morning coffee is almost ritualistic. The anticipation, the smell, and the warmth of the cup in your hands all lead up to the joyous moment of your first sip. One of the best parts of my morning, if I’m honest. By making minor tweaks to your coffee routine, you will allow your body to function better and get better sleep at night.

My Favorite Coffee & Coffee Additions

Kristen Linder

On a mission to reframe the narrative around self-care for busy moms.

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