To Move
“Each movement reminds us that every moment invites a new opportunity for change.”
The meaning of exercise has changed a lot for me over the years. As a teenager, sports were king, and training for the next track or swim meet was all-encompassing. It also conditioned me to think of exercise as all or nothing. You must put in 100%, every ounce you have, every time, or don't bother. As I moved into my 20's, still stuck in this mindset, I often found myself running endlessly on the treadmill. Determined to burn off every last calorie that I put into my body. Needless to say, this is not a healthy mindset or healthy for your body. Moving into the next decade and becoming a mother allowed for a complete mental shift in this area of my practice. I began seeking out methods that made me feel good (mentally and physically), energized, and part of a community. This shift has been integral to my ability to stay consistent with this practice. Moving to feel good. To be able to put my best foot forward for my family and me. To show my children that self-improvement and challenge come in many forms. That it is ok to make space for yourself, especially if it will allow you to show up better for those around you.
To Build
For those of you who received my first newsletter, you may notice a similar thread running through this installment. One of self-prioritization... but not in a selfish way. Even when you don't have an hour to hit your mat or go to a studio class, carving out, even 10 min can have an incredibly positive effect. Actively choosing what's in your best interest. To put down your phone, to wake up a little earlier, or block out time in your calendar, so you don't forget. Something simple like just going for a quick walk around the block instead of scrolling through your phone counts! Little things like this matter! When you choose to invest in yourself and your own well-being, 10 minutes over time adds up.
To Motivate
I often times find it's easiest to start with what you know and what you enjoy. What are the types of movement or workouts that you look forward to? Why do you like them? How do they make you feel after? To me, answering these questions are integral to being consistent with this area of your practice. Mixing it up, so you don't get bored or feel stagnant is also important. As is going with a friend or building relationships with fellow attendees if you're going to studios in person.
I chose the opening quote as an invitation to shift our perspective. Whether it is yourself personally, your body, a specific movement practice, your breathe connection, etc. You are never done learning and improving. Because at the end of the day, adding movement into your routine is about so much more than being in shape or having abs. It's about personal growth, self-commitment, and welcoming change into your life in all forms.
To Learn
Below are several of my favorite digital resources.
Please explore and experiment!
When You Have 10 Minutes
I discovered Melissa Wood several years ago on Instagram. As a new mom myself, I found her attitude and approach refreshing and relatable. She also gets bonus points for being a fellow meditator. It is her philosophy, that a little bit is better than nothing at all, that really resonated with me at the time (and still does). As busy women, mothers, and people in general it can be hard to actively make time for yourself. However, carving out just 10-15 min. can make a world of difference. AND EVERYONE HAS 10 MIN. Just think about how good you will feel if you stop endlessly scrolling and choose to elevate your mood, get yourself moving, and your blood flowing. Melissa's content is positive, approachable, and for people of all levels. She offers a free trial for new users and after that, it's only $10/month to keep it going. There is literally no excuse! Give her a try.. you won't regret it.
Click here to work out with Melissa.
Check her out on Instagram! @melissawoodhealth
When You Have 30 Minutes
I came across Lia by accident. Pre-COVID, I happened to walk by a studio in Tribeca where she was teaching a class. Her method is classic pilates but updated with her own twist. Focusing on pelvic floor strength and spinal mobility, it is a fantastic method for women looking to gain back strength in those areas post-child birth (and really for anyone in general). Every workout with Lia burns so good and you feel the length you've created and the strength you've built for the rest of the day. She incorporates little chats pre-workout to let you know what the focus is and why it's important, which I find quite helpful. Her style and attitude are a breath of fresh air, and I hope you will enjoy working out with her as much as I do!
Click here to work out with Lia.
Check her out on Instagram! @liabartha
When You Have 1 Hour
The Class.
The Class is described as a full-body cathartic experience. A complete movement meditation. The workout aspect is extremely challenging. However, Taryn invites you to dive in and explore those challenges on a deeper level. To look at each movement as an opportunity for growth and change. Instead of getting lost in how uncomfortable you are and wondering when this movement will end, she invites you to "ask yourself a better question". "What is this discomfort trying to show me?" "What is lying beyond my edge?" Maintaining presence throughout the discomfort and transitions is the other piece of this method. Recognizing when you check out. Asking yourself why. "What is it you're running away from?" "Is this a pattern you repeat when you leave this space?" She invites you to feel, fully, and not be afraid of what comes up. The Class is truly an opportunity to invite personal growth. Every lesson you learn on the mat can be applied to your daily life.
And as Taryn would say, "Dive in, let's begin".
Click here to check out The Class!
Check out The Class & Taryn on Instagram! @theclass @taryntoomey
The OG. Tracy Anderson Method.
The TA Method is for when you are looking to go the extra mile. When you've got that hour to invest in yourself and you're ready to leave it on the mat. Tracy's movements incorporate choreography, weight transfer, and muscle exhaustion. Targeting not just the major muscle groups but all of the accessory groups and joints as well. Her routines change weekly, keeping your body from plateauing and you mentally engaged. Her philosophy is that your health is an ever-evolving journey and she hosts beginner through advanced class levels so there is something for everyone. Tracy strategically designs each move for maximum muscular benefit.. and let me tell you, you will feel it (for days). She finishes each workout with a "fireside" chat, reminding you that your mental and physical health go hand-in-hand and what benefits that week's particular workout will have for you.
If you're looking for a fitness up-level, this is for you.
Click here to check out Tracy!
Check out Taryn & The Class on Instagram! @tracyandersonmethod